I'm just saying I hope we can continue to be friends.I only meant that I hope we can please you.I hope we have other opportunities, but I hope we will have fewer examples of their abuse in the years ahead.We have added to the Directive a reinforcement of the protection of minors' rights and I have every hope that we could even develop this matter in a year's time when the Commission presents the findings of its research, as reflected in the Directive.I would hope that we could send a very clear message from this Parliament to the G8 meeting in Birmingham that we are all in favour of them urgently addressing the issue of world debt.This being Friday morning and everybody wishing to start the long journey home I would hope that we could dispense with this one quite quickly as well, it is a very short report.Right, and as friends, you know, I just hope that we could agree that this lawsuit is-is a little.APStylebook (APStylebook) April 17, 2012. We now support the modern usage of hopefully: it's hoped, we hope. At least before, I had hope that we could beat this. A few years ago, the Associated Press announced that they were changing their stance on a certain issue of English usage: Hopefully, you will appreciate this style update, announced at aces2012.Should Belarus's progress be great enough to warrant this, we are indeed ready to reciprocate and I hope that we could then really open up a new chapter in relations with Belarus.I hope that we could find Wind before he turns into evil, and before the Emperor gets him.I hope that we could have it by early 2004 at the latest.
But once the trial actually begins, we're officers of the court, and I would hope we could both conduct ourselves as such.Only with evidence of ill health and testament of good character, I'd hope we could get the charge dismissed.I hope that in the vote tomorrow my colleagues will support an agreement with Singapore, which I hope we could sign in the near future.I hope we could take care of this quietly.Well, I had a really nice time tonight, and I hope we can do it again soon.There is nothing that can replace what was taken from us, but I hope we can make something better in its place.I'm so happy you asked me here, and I hope we can hang out again sometime.I hope we can have an early agreement at second reading on this very important directive.I hope we can achieve a workable solution to these issues. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators.I hope we can reach agreement on something corresponding to the Council's proposal.I hope we can become stronger together.I hope we can offer you and your crew some comfort here.I hope we can get together before you leave.I hope we can put the past few days behind us.